How To Build Resilience In Times Of Change
Are you ready to learn how to build resilience in times of change? If you aren’t on the change train, it’s time to jump on board.
In today’s world, the only thing that we can be sure of is change itself. The world is moving at a rapid rate, and if you don’t move with it, you are going to get left behind. Have you ever wondered why it is that some people bounce forward from adversity, while others fall apart? It comes down to resilience.
As a character trait, resilience refers to one’s ability to successfully adapt with ease to life’s challenges, and transform meltdowns into milestones. Life throws us as a lot of curve balls, but we have the power to rise above our challenges. It all starts with our mindset.
Resilience is not a rare ability. Anyone can build it, and I’m here to show you how. Are you ready to learn how you can build resilience in times of change, and transform your challenges into successes?
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The most successful people have learned how to build resilience.
Resilience is what separates the successful from the defeated. University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth suggests “that it’s resilience, not IQ, that is the best predictor of success.” Keep in mind that success doesn’t come easy. Oftentimes, the greatest stepping stone to success is failure.
A resilient person doesn’t shy away in the face of setbacks. They view them as opportunities to grow and become more. When they get knocked down, they bounce back up, which allows them to thrive, no matter what circumstance they are faced with.
It’s easy to think that people like this were born with this type of strength, but this is far from true. Resilience can be conditioned, with consistent practice.
Let’s explore 4 ways for how to build resilience in times of change.
1. Be Insanely Positive
A resilient person works through challenges by harnessing the power of positive emotions. They are able to reframe adversity into something that is positive, making their recovery time a lot shorter.
Several research methodologies indicate that resilient individuals have optimistic, zestful, and energetic approaches to life, are curious and open to new experiences, and are characterized by high positive emotionality.
When shit hits the fan, it’s easy to be negative and play the ‘why me’ game, but try to see the silver lining in everything. You may surprise yourself how much more calm you feel in the face of adversity, when you choose to feel emotions like gratitude, hope and optimism.
2. Hang Onto Humor
Laughing in the face of adversity can be extremely healing for the mind, body and soul. It’s not about discrediting. Humor goes hand-in-hand with positivity. It’s really hard to drop into victim mode when you are laughing uncontrollably.
In his book, The Survivor Personality, resilience authority, Al Siebert says that, “Laughing reduces tension to more moderate levels…and psychologically, choosing levity can be incredibly empowering.”
I know that humor has been a key aspect of my healing process. It doesn’t take pain away completely, but it’s a great coping mechanism when you feel as if you are caught in the midst of chaos.
3. Practice Self-Compassion
We all experience difficult times at some point in our lives. That’s a normal part of life. What we don’t all do is have empathy for ourselves when we are in distress. Do you ever feel like it’s so easy to practice compassion for others, but difficult for yourself? We can be so judgmental of ourselves.
However, if you want to learn how to build resilience, the best place to start by being more self-compassionate. Doing so will improve your emotional wellbeing and give you the confidence to rise up and keep moving forward.
Try creating a daily mindfulness practice, like deep breathing, meditation or yoga. This will help you navigate stressful times with a more clear mind. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and if you need to take a break, do it. Honor yourself, knowing that you have everything that you need inside of you to weather any storm.
4. Accept That Change Is Inevitable
The faster that you learn how to thrive with the waves of change, more resilient you will be. In today’s world, change is the only constant. You can’t stop change from coming. It’s going to come at you, whether you like it or not. If you want to live a successful life, you need to accept that change is a part of life and master it, to the best of your ability. How do you do this?
Prepare for setbacks. Condition your mindset, acknowledge that problems are a normal part of life, and trust that you have what it takes to conquer anything that stands in your way of success.
These are some of the ways for how to build resilience in times of change.
You have everything that you need in order to be a wildly resilient woman. When life gets tough, pull upon your strength and remember how far you’ve come.
In the words of Steve Maraboli, “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” Are you ready to grab life by the balls and ride through the highs and lows, with grace and ease?
Are you ready to learn how you can get back up when life knocks you on your ass? CLICK HERE for instant access to my free resilience mastery eBook!
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