Become The CEO Of Your Life: 3 Ways To Show Life Who Is Boss
Become the CEO of your life. Whether you like it nor not, you are 100% responsible for your happiness and success.
Being the CEO of your life means that you are living life, on your terms. Unfortunately a lot of people give up this privilege and take a back seat to their lives. Step back and ask yourself, “Would you hire YOU to be the CEO of your life?” If not, it’s time to make a change.
Boss up, believe in yourself, and take control of your destiny because the world needs you. In the words of John Wooden, “The most powerful leadership tool that you have is your own personal example.” Are you ready to become the CEO of your life?
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As the CEO of your life, YOU determine your success.
Nobody is going to wave a magic wand and make shit happen for you. As the CEO of your life, you need to take charge and demand your own results. Sometimes this means acknowledging the thoughts that you think. You determine your reality, which means that you need to be mindful of your emotional state. You can do anything in life, IF you think you can.
Unfortunately many people have self-limiting beliefs that keep them from stepping into their power. In his book, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Dr. Daniel Amen talks about “ANTs” – Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are the negative thoughts that are reactionary, in nature. When your inner critic comes up, you need to show her who is boss. Why? Because you are the CEO of your life, and a leader knows how to effectively manage their emotional state, at all times.
Here are 3 ways that you can show life who is boss and redesign your ‘life brand’:
1. Take Responsibility For Your Life
Being the CEO of your life means that you take responsibility for everything that happens to you, both the good and the bad. You can’t blame anyone for what happens to you. The only thing that you have control over is yourself and your emotional reactions.
Shit happens. How do you handle it? Do you play the victim and blame the word for your problems, or do you rise up, take ownership and make a change? It’s easy to assume that our situation or someone else is responsible for keeping us from achieving the life we want, but this is far from true.
Make a commitment to take responsibility for your life and your decisions. Research has found that when people commit to something, their desire to be seen as “consistent” drives them to act according to the commitment they’ve made. You were not born for mediocrity. Rather, you were born to shine.
2. Create A Vision For Your Life
Just like the CEO of a company has a vision and mission that he operates by, you need a vision and for your life. It starts with identifying what is important to you. If you don’t have a map for where you want to go in life, how do you expect to ever get to your destination? You need something that will help illuminate your life path when life weighs you down.
You are far more likely to succeed in life if you have a strong vision. I encourage you to write a vision statement for your life. What is your purpose? What would your ideal life look like? How do you want to contribute to the world?
Get crystal clear on what you want your future to look like and then start taking action to make your dreams a reality. Life is all about creating yourself, so as Robert H. Schuller once said, “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?” Dream insanely big. Life is to short not to.
3. Ask Yourself Empowering Questions
Questions can have a powerful impact on how you move throughout your life. As the CEO of your life, it is your job to ask yourself empowering questions, because this is what opens up the doors to limitless possibilities and opportunities for you to become more.
What you focus on, becomes your reality. When you train your brain to focus on possibilities and solutions, and ask yourself questions like, “”Why is my life so amazing?” or “What am I grateful for today?”, you immediately start creating the path to living a more resilient life.
Are you ready to become the CEO of your life?
Don’t let other people take control of your life. Don’t follow the leader. Rather, BE the leader. Pave your own path, and leave hints of glitter in your tracks. The world needs you, so take charge, and pursue your path with passion, determination and persistence.
In the words of John Wooden, “The most powerful leadership tool that you have is your own personal example.” Are you ready to boss up, fulfil your true potential and step into your power?
Are you ready to learn how you can get back up when life knocks you on your ass? CLICK HERE for instant access to my free resilience mastery eBook!
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