Overcoming Victim Mentality: The Mindset That is Holding You Back
Overcoming victim mentality can be a challenging feat. I know this, because I’ve done the hard work to go from victim to victor.
If you want to achieve success in life, you need to start by mastering your mindset. Resilient people take responsibility for their lives. They don’t play the victim game and passively move throughout their days. Rather, they are always focused on growing and expanding themselves.
When life knocks them down, they don’t blame the world for their problems. They roll with life’s punches, and use each blow as fuel for the fire, which allows them to come back stronger than ever before. It all starts with developing an unshakeable mindset.
At the end of the day, overcoming victim mentality is your choice. We all have the power to remove the obstacles that stand in our way of success, so that we can rise up and become the women that we desire to be. In the words of Nora Ephran, “Above all, be the heroine of your life. Not the victim.” It all starts with you. Are you ready?
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Are you ready to learn how you can get back up when life knocks you on your ass? CLICK HERE for instant access to my free resilience mastery eBook!
You are human, which means that you are allowed to feel negative emotions, but it’s up to you how long you choose to wallow in this place.The fact of the matter is, you have the capacity for overcoming victim mentality. You just may not be fully aware of it yet.
Overcoming victim mentality is a choice.
It all starts with developing an unshakeable mindset. I want to share with you 5 secrets for overcoming victim mentality:
1. Change Your Beliefs
As women, oftentimes the biggest obstacle that holds us back are our own self-limiting beliefs about who we are and what we are capable of. These inner voices encourage victim behavior, and are destructive to our happiness and success in life.
Our brains can produce upwards of 50,000 thoughts a day, 99% percent of these thoughts are repeated daily. Your thoughts become your beliefs which, in turn, become your mindset. This is why it’s so important that you think empowering rather than disempowering thoughts.
Do you identify with any of these stories?
- I’ll never make it in my career;
- I’m weak;
- I’m not smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough’
- I don’t have the confidence to do that
The list goes on and on. STOP. Be careful how you talk to yourself, because your brain is listening. However, if we choose to view the world and ourselves through the lens of a victor mentality, we move out of victim mode and become empowered to re-write our story. The result? Pure freedom.
2. Take Responsibility For Your Life
Whereas victims tend to blame external circumstances or others for their problems, victors taking responsibility for their lives, knowing that they are responsible for their life and their happiness. Are you living a life of endless excuses? Sure, sometimes it’s easier to be a victim; talking about how other people make you do what you do removes the obligation for you to change.
Unfortunately this pattern of behaving won’t get you anywhere in life. Every important choice in life starts with a decision. It requires commitment. This is the point at which a real shift can occur. Research has found that when people commit to something, their desire to be seen as “consistent” drives them to act according to the commitment they’ve made.
When you decide that you are in the driver’s seat of your life, there is no turning back. Armed with this willpower, you become unstoppable. If you want to become a victor, you need to live AS IF you are one. In the words of Brian Tracy, “Among the most important personal choices you can make is to accept complete responsibility for everything you are and everything you will ever be. This is the great turning point in life.”
3. View Challenges As Opportunities For Growth
I hate to break it to you, but challenges are a part of life, and they aren’t going anywhere. We don’t have control over the highs and lows that come with life, but we do have control over how we respond to them. Whereas a victim will self-sabotage, causing their emotions to get the best of them, a victor will look a challenge dead in the face and say, “I got this.”
Have you ever met a woman who seems to have an annoyingly optimistic attitude when faced with adversity? She always finds a way to turn a bad thing into something great, almost effortlessly? Her secret to success isn’t as difficult as it may seem. It all comes down to her mindset. Carol Dweck’s research found that when students possessed a growth mindset; a mindset which perceives a challenge as an opportunity to learn, rather than an obstacle to overcome, they responded with constructive thoughts and their behavior showed persistence, rather than defeat.
Throughout life we are afforded endless opportunities to expand our scope of what is possible. By adopting a passionate curiosity for learning and a willingness to see the good in everything, we empower ourselves to grow through our struggles, instead of being at the mercy of them.
The reality is that our greatest growth occurs by going through challenging times that test our resilience. In the words of Napoleon Hill, “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”
4. Live Your Truth
Your truth is rooted in your belief system. If your words aren’t in alignment with your actions, this will manifest itself as an imbalance in your emotional centre, causing you to feel powerless. When we live from a place of powerlessness, we become victims of our own minds.
A victor lives their truth. This is a woman who unapologetically embraces who she is and what she stands for. In essence, she has a strong sense of self that empowers her to make decisions, with grace and dignity. People who live authentically will naturally perceive life as more meaningful, than will those who do not.
When you live in your truth, you free yourself to be the confident, strong woman that you are. Are you ready to live from this place? Don’t be a victim, be a victor. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.”
You were born to thrive, not merely survive. Overcoming victim mentality is just one more hurdle that you are going rise above. Take responsibility for your awesomeness and become the best version of yourself. The world is waiting.
Are you ready to learn how you can get back up when life knocks you on your ass? CLICK HERE for instant access to my free resilience mastery eBook!
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