I am a post-traumatic growth therapist and motivational speaker. I have a Master's Degree in Psychology with a specialization in women's resilience. I know what rock bottom feels like. I am who I am today because of my ability to recover from traumatic experiences and transform my pain into possibility. I'm not special, I just chose to do what was hard. Giving up was never an option. Whenever you are faced with adversity, you have two choices: you can either become paralyzed by fear and allow your trauma to define you, or you can create healthy coping mechanisms and find purpose amidst the chaos. Each of us possesses resilience, but sometimes our light gets dimmed and we lose sight of our power. Resilience is that ineffable quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to rise from the ashes. That's what I am here to help you do.

Hey There, Queen

Do you ever hear that voice inside of your head that says, “You aren’t strong enough to make it through this time?” I sure have. Guess what? You are strong enough. Actually, you are stronger than you know. You can weather any storm, break through any barrier, and climb any mountain that lies in front of you. If you’ve forgotten, I’m here to remind you. Self-defeating beliefs only serve to dim your light and prevent you from living in alignment with your true self. The beauty is that you have the power to change your mindset at any given moment, to one that is empowering and transforming. 

If you ever get tired of appearing perfect, pleasing everyone, and proving your worth ALL the time.

Stop. Breathe. Trust.

I’m here to teach you the resilience-building skills and strategies that will allow you to become the master of your emotions and your mind.

"Don't drown in the ocean of despair. Rather, be the f@cking yacht that rides the waves." Ashley Elizabeth

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