Rise Above Your Circumstances: How To Live A Life Without Limits
Rise above your circumstances. Your circumstances don’t define who you are. When you live without limits, you are truly free. Unfortunately, not enough people choose this path. Instead, they stay in their comfort zones, for fear that they will fail.
The fact of the matter is, you are the only thing standing in your way of success. Guess what? Change is scary, but regret is even scarier.
The key to conquering anything that seems impossible to the mind’s eye is an unwavering belief in oneself. We all reach critical points in our lives where our mental toughness is put to the test – a toxic relationship, a lost family member, a bad accident, a financial crisis.
You have the power to turn the impossible into the possible. It all starts and ends in your mind. It is amazing how much you can achieve, IF you put your mind to it. Will it be hard work? Yes. Will you want to give up? Yes. Will it be worth the fight? 100%.
However, you can’t just dip your foot in the ocean of the unknown. You have to dive in, head first. It’s mind blowing what can happen when you choose to not give up. In the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Are you ready to rise above your circumstances?
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Everything that you want to accomplish in life starts in your mind. Your mind is a powerful tool. It can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
I was pleasantly reminded of this the other day while I was having a conversation with a friend, who suggested that maybe I shouldn’t teach yoga dance anymore because it’s too straining on my neck/back injuries.
In her words, “Maybe it would be best to accept my limits and do something that wasn’t so challenging for my body.” I cringed in disbelief.
Quickly my anxious mind jumped into the conversation and agreed with her, telling me all the reasons why I wasn’t strong enough to do the very thing that I loved most – empowering women to confidently step out of their comfort zones, and into their badass power, both on and off the mat.
I was reminded of a quote by Steve Maraboli who said, “I can’t”… “It’s not possible”… “I’m not good enough”… ~ These are lies the demons of your past use to scare away the possibilities of the present.”
Rise above your circumstances. It’s the only way to live.
At that point, I smiled sarcastically at her and said, “Nah, I think I’ll continue showing up for myself, being awesome, and doing what I love.”
Sure, our bodies have limits, but at the end of the day, your only limit is you and your mind. You can either hang out on the side lines and watch life pass you by, or you can dive in, push yourself, and prove to yourself and the world how fucking limitless you truly are. Make the choice to live without limits and rise above your circumstances in life.
A recent study highlighting the link between mindfulness and resilience found that, “Mindful people can better cope with difficult thoughts and emotions, without becoming overwhelmed or shutting down emotionally.” By stepping back and observing, our mind may resist getting stuck in old stories, thereby empowering us to move forward.
Just like you can train your body, you can train your mind to be more resilient. It all comes down to perception.
You are not defined by your circumstances. Rise above them!
How does it feel when you say these words out loud? Instead of dropping into fear mode when a challenge hits you, try approaching it from a position of excitement.
Is this going to be uncomfortable? Hell yeah, but this is where the magic lies. Any time you are trying something new, you can only grow if you feel awkward and uneasy.
It will spark your intrinsic motivation, and light a fire under your ass that will put you into a state of optimal flow. In fact, flow research demonstrates that flow happens when we are sufficiently challenged and work at the edge of our skill level.
When is the last time you went above and beyond your limits and did something that tested every bone in your body? Whatever challenge you are currently facing in life, you are strong enough to rise above the shit that is trying to hold you down.
Dwelling on the “what if’s” and having a pity party won’t help. Trust me. I’ve done it, and it only leaves you feeling stuck. It all comes down to pushing through your mental blocks and knowing that your only limit is you.
You must do the thing that you think you cannot do. Rise above your circumstances. In the words of the late great Muhammad Ali, “Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” Now is the time to go show the world that the word, “impossible” does not exist in your vocabulary.
Are you ready to learn how you can get back up when life knocks you on your ass? CLICK HERE for instant access to my free resilience mastery eBook!
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