Master Your Emotions: If Not Now, When?
Master your emotions. If not now, when? Do your emotions make you feel like you are spiralling out of control? If this is a regular pattern for you, I’ve got good news. As of today, you no longer have to be at the mercy of them.
Emotional Mastery is the ability to exercise control over your emotional state without letting it affect you. Our emotions have a huge amount of influence over the choices that we make in life. They determine what we care about, and give us the courage to stand up for what we believe in, to support the people that we love, and connect to others.
In the words of Jim Rohm, “Your emotions will either serve or master, depending on who is in charge.” Are you ready to learn how you can master your emotions? If not now, when?
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Are you ready to learn how you can get back up when life knocks you on your ass? CLICK HERE for instant access to my free resilience mastery eBook!
By nature, women tend to be highly emotional creatures. Can you relate? I know I can, and I’m proud of it. This is supported by research that shows that women’s brains are more sensitive to negative emotions. However, just because we are predisposed to being more sensitive does not mean that we are any less capable of mastering how we feel.
Master your emotions.
Don’t get me wrong. Being an empathetic person has its perks, but if we want to be in control of our lives, we need to allow waves of emotion to flow through us, with grace and ease. Emotional mastery can be easily learned. It is a skill, that takes practice, commitment, and patience. You have the power to master your emotions, because you and only you, are responsible for your emotional well-being.
Here are 3 ways that you can master your emotions:
1. Be Conscious Of Your Emotions
Oftentimes, we react without thinking. In psychology, there is a term known as amygdala hijack, which refers to the phenomenon when the emotional parts of our brain have completely taken over the thinking parts of our brain. If we don’t know where are emotional triggers are coming from, we are unable to create healthier responses.
When you are conscious of the reasons behind your emotions, you are better able to make sense of why you react the way you do. Any change in our habits starts with self-awareness. When you know thyself, you can master your emotions instead of being a slave to them.
2. Own Your Emotions
Once you better understand your emotional triggers, now you have to take responsibility for your emotional reactions and address them, mindfully. When we blame others for our emotional reactions, it’s our way of telling the Universe, “I don’t have control over my life.”
That’s no way to live. Drop the blaming story! The good news is that emotional resilience can be developed and strengthened, every day. All it requires is a commitment to taking a proactive approach to better managing and mastering your emotional energy.
3. Chill Out
The next time it feels as if your world is falling on top of you, take a deep breath, chill out, and “let that shit go.” Oftentimes, negative emotion takes over when we are out of balance. Take care of yourself so that you don’t drop into overwhelm mode.
When you do things that nourish your mind, body and soul, you will feel more in control of your emotional state. Don’t be a slave to your emotions. I’m here to remind you that you are so much more than your massive to-do list that causes you anxiety, or the deadline that stresses you out to the point that you snap. These days, I have come to realize that stress, anxiety and worry are all choices.
In the grand scheme of things, what does stress and anxiety do for us? A whole lot of nothing. Allowing your emotions to take over your rational self is a decision that you every day, whether you want to believe it or not. You are not defined by your emotions.
You are a strong, powerful, resilient woman who can weather any storm that is thrown her way. Master your emotions. Don’t let them master you. In the words of Jim Rohn, “Your emotions will either serve or master, depending on who is in charge.”
Are you ready to learn how you can get back up when life knocks you on your ass? CLICK HERE for instant access to my free resilience mastery eBook!
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