Why Is Resilience So Important?

Radical Resilience Surviving To Thriving

Life is so unpredictable. Can you relate? The reality is that we live in a world of constant change. If you aren’t ready to ride the waves of life, be prepared to drown in them.

Ever-increasing demands on time and energy have created an environment where women feel overwhelmed and unable to manage the high expectations of their daily lives. As a result, we find ourselves constantly multitasking, chronically distracted, and pulled in too many different directions, while our brains are easily hijacked by the world around us.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem so in control and empowered by life’s curveballs, while others give up easily? The answer lies in their resilience. 

Radical resilience is defined as the ability to bounce forward from adversity or challenges, after being stretched, compressed, or bent.  Resilient people give challenges a wink and use their struggles as opportunities to succeed, grow and thrive in any environment.

If you want to stay at the top of your game in life and work, it is imperative that you learn how to adapt to stress and effectively manage the tides of change with grace and ease.  There is no better time than now to step up and become the CEO of your life.

I am here to provide you with the strategies and skills that you will need in order build your resilience and thrive in all areas of your life. Below are the 4 dimensions of resilience. Each one is connected to the other, and they work in unison to establish our state of well-being.

Physical Resilience 

Developing physical stamina, strength and flexibility so that you can embody your true power and be unstoppable.


Healthy eating habits

Mind-body connection 




Mental Resilience

Reprogramming old thought patterns, silencing your inner critic, and building unshakeable self-confidence.


Thought patterns



Emotional Resilience

Developing your self-regulation muscle, which is the key to mastering your emotions and effectively managing stress.






Spiritual Resilience

Connecting to your inner core and deepening your sense of purpose, so that you can create a kick ass life. 

Core Values 





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